Wrist Rehabilitation Exercises

January 21, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By



1. Set up your paper for Cornell Style Notes.

2. Based on class discussion, answer this question in your notes:

What is the difference between a rehabilitation program and a strengthening program?

3. Add the following to your notes:

Complete a comparison frame about the similarities and differences between rehabilitation programs and strengthening programs.


4. Watch the following video and follow along to perform the exercises/ stretches.

Watch a second time and describe the stretches, remember to use Cornell Style.


5. One of the activities that professionals in the Physical Medicine field perform is to create training plans to prevent injury or to assist with the rehabilitation of an injured area.  Create a brochure or flyer which describes and illustrates (pictures) how to perform at least 7 exercises to prevent injury of the wrist or to strengthen it.  Make sure to describe whether you are creating a prevention program or a rehabilitation program.

Read through all the resource links before picking your exercises

Your training plan should flow together and should make sense in its order. 

Make sure this looks professional !


  • Description of the program – what it is for/ who it is for
  • How to perform the exercises (your own description)
  • Pictures (You draw – Or, take your own photographs – Do not download pictures from the internet or print pictures to paste)
  • Number of Repetitions
  • Include any precautions / limitations

Links for Exercises:








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Bones of the Wrist and Hand

January 16, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By

Today we are going to look a closer at the bones of the wrist and hand and practice our palpation techniques.

1. Draw an outline of your hand and then draw in the bones and label them.

Pay special attention to the carpal bones.  You can think of the carpal bones as being in 2 layers of 4 bones. although they are not evenly spaced.

You can use the following links as a reference for the shapes of the bones.



2. Using the first letter of each bone, create your own mnemonic for remembering the carpal bones in order:

Here is an example

Some Looser Try Pizza That They Can’t Handle

3. Practice palpating the bones of the hands.  Can you find them on yourself?  Can you find them on someone else?

4. Practice labeling the bones of the wrist and hand (2 links) –






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January 10, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


E.Q. How can you distinguish between the different types of fractures?


Using Cornell style notes, take notes on fractures:

Download (PDF, 729KB)



1. Write 5 comparison statements about fractures. (Your statements should be unique, not the same as other classmates)

A(n)                                           fracture                                          ; but a(n)                                           fracture                                        .


An    open    fracture      occurs when broken bone is sticking out of the skin but a    closed  fracture       occurs when none of the bone pieces pierce the skin  .

2. Write 3 similarity statements about fractures (other than that they are fractures)

A(n)                                                   fracture is similar to a(n)                                             fracture because they both                                                .

3. Using the internet, look up and describe the following specific fractures

Colles Fracture

Boxer’s Fracture

Smith’s Fracture

4. What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone and what are the symptoms?

5. Study the set  on Quizlet using the scatter game or the self test:


6. Quiz on Quia:



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Sprain Grading and Treatment

January 8, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By





Use Cornell style notes:


How are wrist sprains diagnosed and treated?

What is it?

How can you get a wrist sprain?

What does it feel like?

How are they diagnosed?

*What are the three grades?

What are the treatments?

When will a patient feel better?

How can it be prevented?

Download (DOCX, 17KB)

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P.R.I.C.E. and review

December 17, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


1. Notes for PRICE (On review questions)

Download (PPTX, 353KB)

2.Review questions

3. Turn in your project

4. Review for your final by using quizlet (This is also your Homework)


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Wrist Injuries and Conditions – Project

December 11, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By

Project Assignment –

After researching  articles from the internet  on  injuries and pathological conditions of the wrist and hand , write  a research paper or create a PowerPoint  that defines  a wrist and hand injury or condition  and explains  what it is, how it occurs, treatment or rehabilitation options and prognosis . Discuss the impact this condition can have on the life of a patient.  Support your topic with evidence from your research (citations) and include a list of credible sources used.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (Auto Immune Disorder which affects the wrist and hand)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Colles’ Fracture
  • Baker’s Cyst

Use credible sources such as websites from the CDC, the NIH, The Arthritis Foundation, The Mayo Clinic, and other reputable medical facilities. Make sure to include citations to support your claims!



BTW HOSA Logo Banner 2x4

Download (PDF, 100KB)


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Computer Science Education Week

December 9, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By

Watch the video


Complete the tutorial on “Creating your first computer program.”

Complete your choice of “beyond one hour” activities

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Elbow, Wrist, and Hand – Anatomy

December 3, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


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College and Career Motivation Week

November 20, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By

For College and Career Motivation Week

****Make sure to stay on task from bell to bell for 100% on your daily participation grade****


GA college 411

Sophomores and Juniors –

1. Create an account

2. Click on  “Discover Your Career Interest,” and then complete the 6 interest surveys.

3. Click on the tab for “Your Portfolio,” and then click on “Your Profile,” and fill in as much information as you can in the basics, looking ahead, and experience and activities.

4. Start your scholarship search.

Exit Ticket: Create a list of what you were able to accomplish on GA college 411


Seniors –

1. Log into your account.

2. Go to the “Your Portfolio,” tab and fill in all of the information in the section for “the Basics.”

3. Click on the Financial Planning Tab and then click on Find Scholarships.

4. Start a new search or update your search if you have already completed one.  The more complete your information is the more relevant your search results will be.  Fill out as many online scholarship applications as you can find that you qualify for.

Exit Ticket: Turn in a list of the scholarship applications that you completed.



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November 14, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


Review tasks for the day:

1.Finish your Shoulder fold-able (if you have not already).  Finish your shoulder injury organizer, if you have not already.

2. Review the terms on Quizlet by playing the scatter game, at least 5 times.  Compete for the fastest time! http://quizlet.com/30497950/shoulder-for-135-week-flash-cards/

3. Complete the online quiz on Quia http://www.quia.com/quiz/4481062.html

4. Extra credit – Type written – Research one shoulder injury and write an informational essay describing the injury or condition, the possible causes and treatment.  Be thorough.  Site your resources.

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Shoulder Injuries

November 8, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By



*Description of the Condition

*How it usually happens/ Who it usually happens to

*Treatment/Prognosis (Will it heal / How likely is it to heal)

for the following common shoulder injuries:

  1. Impingement
  2. Osteoarthritis
  3. Instability / Dislocation
  4. Clavicle Fracture
  5. Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
  6. Avascular Necrosis
  7. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  8. Bursitis
  9. Rotator Cuff Tear

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Manual Muscle Tests (MMT)

November 6, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


A Manual Muscle Test (MMT) is a way to test the function of a muscle.  If a muscle is not functioning as it should, it could be due to injury or disease of the muscle, joint, associated bone or bones, or it could be due to a problem with the nervous or blood supply to the muscle.

Copy the following notes into your notebook:

When testing keep in mind the following:

1. You always test bilaterally (both sides)

2. You are testing to make sure that their muscle can lock the joint into place and can offer resistance, appropriate to the size and age of the patient (or one being tested).

3. You are NOT testing to see if you are stronger than your patient or if you can overpower them.

4. You are not testing them on how well they follow instructions or how well they understand you.


1. Show the patient the position you want them to hold.

2.Tell them that you are going to try to push their (arm, hand etc.) and that they should NOT let you

3. Instruct them to hold

4. Apply pressure/resistance (gradually)

Copy this chart into your notebook.  We will be using the Numerals chart, in most cases.







Against gravity test  The patient is able to move through: 



N (normal)


The full available ROM against gravity and against maximal resistance, with hold at the end of the ROM (Hold for about 3 seconds). 



G (good)


The full available ROM against gravity and against moderate leading resistance.





Greater than one half of the available ROM against gravity and against moderate resistance. 





Less than one half of the available ROM against gravity and against moderate resistance. 





The full available ROM against gravity. 





Greater than one half of the available ROM against gravity. 





Less than one half of the available ROM against gravity. 
Gravity eliminated test:  The patient is able to actively move through: 





The full available ROM gravity eliminated. 





Greater than one half the available ROM; gravity eliminated. 





Less than one half of the available ROM; gravity eliminated. 



T (trace)


None of the available ROM; gravity eliminated and there is palpable or observable flicker contraction.



0 (zero)


None of the available ROM; gravity eliminated and there is no palpable or observable muscle contraction. 

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Shoulder Exercises

October 25, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


Strengthening the muscles which move and stabilize the shoulder joint can be an important part of preventing shoulder injuries.  It is important to include stretching and to focus on all of the muscles of the shoulder with a balanced program.

Assignment Part 1 – Athletic Strengthening – Injury Prevention

Look through the exercises on these websites and choose 6 exercises which can can be performed at home, using household items or Therabands, to strengthen the shoulder joint.  Try performing them and then describe how to perform them on your organizer.


Swimming is one activity which requires an athlete to strengthen the shoulder muscles to prevent injuries.  The following website has exercises to strengthen the shoulder to prevent injury:


The following website has many exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder.

Ace Fitness – Shoulder Exercises:


Assignment Part 2 – Injury Rehabilitation

Look through the rehabilitation exercises and choose 6 exercises which can can be performed at home, using household items or Therabands, to rehabilitate the shoulder joint.  Try performing them and then describe how to perform them on your organizer.

The following 2 websites have treatment plan exercises for rehabilitation strengthening of the shoulder after a surgery or injury.



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Shoulder Assignment

October 3, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By


Turn in your work at the end of class.

The shoulder chapter can be accessed here

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Shoulder Joint

September 23, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By






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