May 13-2014
May 13, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Comments Off on May 13-2014
1. There is a summer STEMS program at Morehouse University and they are looking for Washington students to award full scholarships to. This kind of program looks excellent on your student resume and can be beneficial when applying for college scholarships.
Please read about the opportunity here and let me know if you would like me to submit your name for the tuition scholarship.
2. The CTAE department of APS is asking all students to complete a short survey regarding youth violence and other youth relevant topics. Please complete the short survey here:
3. The structure of the foot will be important when we practice taping next class period. Use the following links to practice the names of the bones of the foot.
Practicing the bones of the foot:
mcgraw Hill:
Foot and Ankle Slides: