Blood Drive – Sign Up

October 17, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
HOSA students are working to identify good candidates for next week’s Red Cross Blood Drive. Come by our table and sign up during lunch and then make sure to eat plenty of Iron Rich food this week!
Fall Rally 2013

October 15, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Booker T Washington High School Students enjoyed a fun fall day while gearing up for a great HOSA year, at the Fall Leadership Rally in Perry Georgia.

April 30, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Congratulations to Elizabeth Ushi and Brittany Crawford
our BTW HOSA chapter president and vice president, who both advanced from the HOSA state competitions and are qualified for the National Competitions this summer. Let’s all wish them a round of congratulations for their accomplishments and well wishes for the the next round as they travel to Nashville, TN from June 26-29th to represent Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Public Schools and Georgia HOSA. Elizabeth will be competing in the Healthcare Issues Exam and Brittany will be competing in Epidemiology.
Region Winners
January 16, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Congratulations to the following B.T. Washington HOSA members who placed in the top 10 in the regional competitions!!!!
Brittany Crawford – Epidemiology
Kiara Morris – Medical Spelling
Jasmine Collins – Medical Law and Ethics
Elizabeth Ushi – Medical Reading
Jan 18 – Blood Drive
January 4, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
HOSA will be hosting a Blood Drive in Cafe Elite, in the T Building, on January 18th.
Help save a life by donating blood.
Donors must:
- Be 17 years of age, or 16 years of age with a parents signed consent.
- Meet the height and weight requirements
- Must have not received a tattoo in the past 12 months
- For a complete list click here
Eat Iron Rich Foods several days prior to donation.
HOSA Week 2012
November 11, 2012 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Membership Drive
HOSA is a National student led organization. Membership is $20 for the school year and it allows you to join in on many HOSA events throughout the school year. Activities include Community Service Activities, Educational events, Healthcare Competitions, speakers, social events, field trips etc. Please note that, while there are many HOSA events which do not have a charge to participate, certain events affiliated with HOSA have registration fees and travel expenses. These events are optional and are not required.
Food Drive:
We are working in combination with the Community Service Club to collect cans and other non-perishable food items for the Atlanta Community Food Bank – Help us to share the Bulldog spirit with those in need by bringing in your cans!
Door Contest:
Each HSN advisory is encouraged to learn more about the benefits of HOSA through exploring the GA HOSA webpage and creating a door or hall display. On Friday the HOSA officers will come through and judge the best door. The advisory with the best door will win bragging rights and snacks for their advisory.
Theme Days:
Monday – HOSA T-Shirt and Jeans Day
Clean Jeans and HOSA t-shirt or spirit shirt with HOSA week Button – You must be a dues-paid member to participate – Wear your Button- Members please pick up your Buttons from Dr. Espinoza to wear for the week.
Tuesday – Red, White, and Bulldog Blue – All-American HOSA Day
You must be a dues-paid member to participate – Wear your Button- Dress in Red White and Bulldog blue. We will be having a hotdog and apple pie lunch for HOSA members and Military, in honor of our Veteran and Active Military BTW staff.
HOSA Officers and advisory, Please come to help set up lunch for our members and guests.
Wednesday – Dress for Success – HOSA Uniforms and Business Attire
You must be a dues-paid member to participate – Wear your Button. Business attire or HOSA Uniform. (No Jeans, revealing clothing, or attire which violates APS dress code policies – If in doubt, clear it before Wednesday)
HOSA officers, and other designated members, please wear your HOSA Uniform and pick up your blazer from Dr. Espinoza. You will be meeting with the Healthcare Advisory Board during 2nd Period to talk to them about HOSA and the Healthcare Programs.
Thursday – Healthcare Professional
All HSN Students may participate! – Dress as a Healthcare Professional ready for work. Scrubs, Lab Coats, Business Suits, etc. (No Jeans, revealing clothing, or attire which violates APS dress code policies – If in doubt, clear it before Thursday)
Friday -HOSA T-Shirt and Jeans Day – HOSA Door Contest
You must be a dues-paid member to participate – Clean Jeans and HOSA T-Shirts or Spirit Shirt