Fall Rally 2013

October 15, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Booker T Washington High School Students enjoyed a fun fall day while gearing up for a great HOSA year, at the Fall Leadership Rally in Perry Georgia.

April 30, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Congratulations to Elizabeth Ushi and Brittany Crawford
our BTW HOSA chapter president and vice president, who both advanced from the HOSA state competitions and are qualified for the National Competitions this summer. Let’s all wish them a round of congratulations for their accomplishments and well wishes for the the next round as they travel to Nashville, TN from June 26-29th to represent Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Public Schools and Georgia HOSA. Elizabeth will be competing in the Healthcare Issues Exam and Brittany will be competing in Epidemiology.