SLC 2013

March 11, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
This year 11 students from BTW were able to attend, and compete at, the State Leadership Conference in Athens, GA. Big thanks to Ms. Angela Rucker for attending and assisting with chaperoning the students. All of the students competed in at least one event and attended educational workshops. Two students also served as Courtesy Core members. Students also were able to attend a dance, visit the Varsity, view parts of UGA, meet other healthcare students from the state of Georgia and participate in other fun activities.
Recent Events
March 4, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By drsmespinoza
Recently HOSA members have participated in:
Spelman College Healthcare Programs recruitment fair:
There were over 60 healthcare programs represented in the fair. Students were then able to have lunch with some Spelman and Morehouse students and then tour the campuses of Spelman and Morehouse. Students were then able to attend a workshop on Epidemiology or Genetic Testing.
College and Career Readiness week:
Students at BTW participated in the APS college and career readiness week. Activities included advisory lessons on applying for college and dressing for success. Each advisory class picked a college or university and created a door display to present features of the chosen school or program. At the end of the week, students were able to attend a college fair held at the school and were visited by speakers with presentations on career choices and job skills.
HOSA students were able to serve as student ambassadors to meet, escort, and introduce speakers for the Health Science and Nutrition school.