Medical Terminology – Unit 1

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1. Take your Unit 1 pretest – Do your best, you will be placed in a group based on previous knowledge and current academic needs.
2. Take notes on word parts using the following slides:
- Word Roots
- Combining Forms
- Suffix
- Prefix
3. Log onto your Edmodo account. If you need the code : v6f6vi
Use the chapter 1 for Medical Terminology to work on your packets. I will be pulling out groups to work on specific learning activities.
4. Word Sorting
Use an organizer to sort the chapter terms and word parts by type (for example, words that indicate color
abdominocentesis (ab-dom-ih-noh-sen-TEE-sis)
acronym (ACK-roh-nim)
angiography (an-jee-OG-rah-fee)
appendectomy (ap-en-DECK-toh-mee)
arteriosclerosis (ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis)
arthralgia (ar-THRAL-jee-ah)
colostomy (koh-LAHS-toh-mee)
cyanosis (sigh-ah-NOH-sis)
dermatologist (der-mah-TOL-oh-jist)
diagnosis (dye-ag-NOH-sis)
diarrhea (dye-ah-REE-ah)
edema (eh-DEE-mah)
endarterial (end-ar-TEE-ree-al)
eponym (EP-oh-nim)
erythrocyte (eh-RITH-roh-sight)
fissure (FISH-ur)
fistula (FIS-tyou-lah)
gastralgia (gas-TRAL-jee-ah)
gastritis (gas-TRY-tis)
gastroenteritis (gas-troh-en-ter-EYE-tis)
gastrosis (gas-TROH-sis)
hemorrhage (HEM-or-idj)
hepatomegaly (hep-ah-toh-MEG-ah-lee)
hypertension (high-per-TEN-shun)
hypotension (high-poh-TEN-shun)
infection (in-FECK-shun)
inflammation (in-flah-MAY-shun)
interstitial (in-ter-STISH-al)
intramuscular (in-trah-MUS-kyou-lar)
laceration (Iass-er-AY-shun)
lesion (LEE-zhun)
mycosis (my-KOH-sis)
myelopathy (my-eh-LOP-ah-thee)
myopathy (my-OP-ah-thee)
myorrhexis (my-oh-RECK-sis)
natal (NAY-tal)
neonatology (nee-oh-nay-TOL-oh-jee)
neuritis (new-RYE-tis)
otorhinolaryngology (oh-toh-rye-noh-lar-in-
palpation (pal-PAY-shun)
palpitation (pal-pih-TAY-shun)
pathology (pah-THOL-oh-jee)
phalanges (fah-LAN-jeez)
poliomyelitis (poh-lee-oh-my-eh-LYE-tis)
prognosis (prog-NOH-sis)
prostate (PROS-tayt)
pyoderma (pye-oh-DER-mah)
pyrosis (pye-ROH-sis)
supination (soo-pih-NAY-shun)
suppuration (sup-you-RAY-shun)
supracostal (sue-prah-KOS-tal)
symptom (SIMP-tum)
syndrome (SIN-drohm)
tonsillitis (ton-sih-LYE-tis)
trauma (TRAW-mah)
triage ( tree-AHZH)
viral (VYE-ral)