
Comments Off on Environmental
Your project will be due when you come for your Midterm, October 9-10.
Make sure you are not just copying and pasting information – No Plagiarizing.
List your sources.
Project choices – Choose a Role, Audience, Format, and Topic
The goal of this project is for you to familiarize yourself with environmental factors which can affect health. Make sure you are learning and making good use of your class time. You will have questions on this topic on your next test and your project grade will include your use of class time.
Standard: HS-CPM-11. Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the environmental conditions such as heat, humidity, moisture, and cold that can impair the body’s ability to function properly.
A. Define and correctly spell each of the key terms associated with environmental issues
B. Identify the signs and symptoms of conditions caused by exposure to extreme environments
C. Describe methods to prevent or minimize the effects of environmental conditions
D. Describe methods of handling emergencies associated with extreme environmental conditions
E. Identify the stresses of exercise in the heat and cold conditions in both the trained and untrained state
F. Identify the adaptations that occur as a result of acclimatization to heat and cold conditions
G. Describe precautions that should be taken in a lightning storm
H. List the problems that air pollution presents and how they can be avoided
Choose a Role, Audience, Format and Topic. You may make up your own – with approval.
Role: Employer
Athletic Trainer
Scout Leader
Other – With Approval
Audience: Landscapers
Student Athletes
Lifeguards in Training
Other – With Approval
Format: Poster
Power Point
Topic: Prevention from Heat Injuries
First Aid
Acclimatization Plan
Cold Injury Prevention and First Aid
Inclement weather plan
· You should have at least 5 well thought out components within this project. Text must be in your own words. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! Visuals are encouraged.
· You will have up to 2 class periods to put your project together. Use your time well and turn in high quality work.